“What are your top 5 New Year's resolutions for getting healthy and fit in 2010?”
1. I have joined a women's running group in hopes of expanding my social circle with people who are active.
2. Run my first 10K. I have done 5ks before, but hopefully the women's group will give me the motivation to get this done.
3. I want to show my husband that we can find time to exercise ... even with a toddler, a house, and full-time jobs.
4. Going to be earlier is a goal for me so I can have the energy to exercise, be alert at work and still have time to play with my son.
5. Menu planning, so no more "What's for dinner tonight?" We all know what types of healthy meals come from those conversations.
So now what, I want to win a copy of Your Shape Game as a further motivator. So go to Twitter Moms to see how you can enter too.